· Intro
o Explanation of Movie
o 3 Hypothesis’ intro
§ Street Luge Stunt
§ Van Accident
§ The Final Big Jump
o Thesis
· Hypothesis #1
o Street Luge Stunt
§ Explanation of scene
· Goes down a street on a hill with a steep grade but keeps a steady speed
§ Hypothesis
· The end of the stunt he impacts a trailer at a speed of around 10 mph
· He also successfully lifts himself off of the board right before impact should be impossible according to the impact which shatters glass on the other side of the trailer.
· Hypothesis #2
o Van Accident
§ Explanation of scene
· Rod is crossing the street and is impacted by a van at a supposedly hi speed
§ Hypothesis
· Van is slowing down yet Rod flies further and faster than the speed of the van
· Hypothesis #3
o Final Big Jump
§ Explanation of scene
· The final big stunt Rod Jumps 11 buses on a motorbike and crashes
§ Hypothesis
· In the air the doesn’t realize that he released the bike and the two fly through the air at one point the bike seems to pick up speed and go ahead of rod
o The bike also takes on a different parabolic arch and flies way below rod
o The bikes stays in a the same position as it falls yet the rotating wheels on the bike should have made it rotate and or tumble within its path of action
o On the impact the bike hits the ground after the Rod of to the side and further then rods initial impact
· Conclusion
o Restate
§ Thesis
§ Hypothesis
This should be fun to write up. Looks good. 10 points